‘Three Sisters Bake’ Book Launch

Over the last couple of years there’s been a subtle buzz surrounding a trio of sisters and their quaint cafe, Three Sisters Bake in Quarriers Village. Until recently this attention (or at least the buzzing that reached my ears) has been primarily within the Scottish Wedding Scene where it is renowned for its shabby chic vintage […]

Office Cake Friday Macaroons

It’s a tradition in any office environment to have a regular supply of cakes, biscuits, chocolate and general sweet treats. If this isn’t the case with your workplace then I suggest immediate action. Some engage in a weekly bun run, others have the office biscuit tin and of course in the event of birthdays, engagements, new […]

Dinky Afternoon Scones

Previously this recipe for Baby Scones was included within my Afternoon Tea: The Victorians Knew What They Were Doing post but considering the attention they’ve received on Twitter and Instagram I felt it was time to give these wee fellas the individual credit they are due. They say good things come in small packages. Ok […]

Comforting Mac & Cheese

Hands up those who wanted to cry at their desks yesterday morning because of the sheer sadness of being back to work? Now keep your hands raised if you are feeling dehydrated, exhausted, perhaps still a little hungover and have been subsisting on a diet of Prosecco, Quality Street and Brie for the last 10 […]

A Wintery Chicken & Leek Pie

When I started writing this series of posts I had to consider: Is there a difference between comfort food during winter and that eaten at any other point in the year? In a nutshell, no. I eat the same comfort food throughout the year. The key difference is that during winter I eat it more […]

Lime Curd

Up until recently I was a curd virgin. If you know me then this is not surprising news. I don’t even like jam. At a push I’ll have a scone with cream & jam but this is really just so I can eat clotted cream because it doesn’t seem socially acceptable to eat clotted cream out […]

Chicken soup for the cold

I have the cold. I knew it was coming because I’ve managed to successfully evade it for 13 months now. This is no mean feat considering the illnesses flying around my office and the fact my office is based beside Infection & Immunology labs. I should be thankful it is only a cold I guess. I […]


Friday nights are dangerous in my house. Culinary speaking of course. It’s not like I invite axe murderers & serial killers over to hang out. It’s because after a long week at work & the tiring walk home in shoes that were never designed for walking in (a universal female problem) I have zero enthusiasm or energy […]

Holiday Pappa El Pomodoro

For the second of my Venetian recreations I turn to tomato soup.I admit, its not traditionally Venetian (Tuscan I believe) but at my birthday dinner at Bistrot de Venise I ate a chilled tomato soup served with melon & basil and haven’t stopped raving about it since then. Chilled soup is wonderful for a hot sunny day however it really does benefit […]