For all those claims of how ‘natural’ it is, breastfeeding is HARD. My first child was born in early February and despite the fact I never really planned to breastfeed (read more about that here) I’ve been doing so exclusively for 12 weeks now. Here’s what I’ve learned along the way. Be Prepared Before baby […]
Our Breastfeeding Journey

I am exclusively breastfeeding my son however I’m gonna kick off this 2-parter by not endorsing the whole Breast is Best mantra because I think this suggests that woman who cannot or do not breastfeed are not giving their child the best. Which simply isn’t true. Yes, compared to formula milk, the composition of breast […]
Joy and Joe Bamboo Baby Wrap

Pre-pregnancy I’d never heard of a baby wrap let alone know that there was a whole industry dedicated to them. And although they cropped up on my radar during pregnancy I still didn’t give them much thought. In all honesty, I thought they were a bit of a gimmick. Fast forward to life with a […]
My Conflict with the Scottish Baby Box

This is a post which has been sitting in draft format for over 10 weeks now. I’ve found it to be incredibly difficult to write and ultimately let it go live namely because I’m concerned of how I might come across and the potential backlash I might receive. However, as I’ve learned from (and been […]
2017 Highlights

2017 turned out to be a year I am on the one hand immensely proud of, and on the other hand very happy to be finishing. Nothing terrible happened, on the contrary, its was an amazing year but it was a tough one. So rather than focus solely on the culinary highlights like I did […]
Beginners guide to a very British Christmas: Part 2

Welcome to part 2 of my beginners guide to a very British Christmas. To read Part 1 of the beginners guide follow the link. Putting the Tree Up In Britain, decorating your home for Christmas is called “putting the tree up” and the date on which you do this is hotly debated among us Brits. […]
Top Tips for Planning Your Babymoon

The Babymoon. Its the done thing now isn’t it? I guess pre-pregnancy I never really got it or understood why it needed this cutesy name. I mean, its a holiday FFS, lets just call a spade a spade. But now that I am firmly with child I see there is vast difference between a holiday […]
First Trimester Food Aversions

I started writing this when I was 8 weeks pregnant and where I was convinced that if I socialised with anyone out with our immediate family I’d give the game away that I was preggers. It’s not that we had any reason to hide the pregnancy per say, we just wanted to enjoy it ourselves for […]
Food Highlights of 2016

2016 eh? What a flipping disaster that turned out to be. So now that we’re all safely on the other side, I’m turning my blogger eye to my culinary highlights of 2016: those brief moments amidst the chaos of which I do recall with some pleasure. January January 2016 was the month I came to know and […]
A Weegie in Budapest

Tuesday 27th September 2016 will forever be a pivotal day for me. This was the date where after 4 years I submitted my PhD thesis; and where after NINE back to back years of University life, I finally left my student years behind me. It was a momentous occasion and one which required a suitably epic […]