Classes of body armour. Selecting body armour

There is no doubt that the flak jacket is one of the most reliable and effective personal protective equipment available. It primarily protects the body against bullets from pistols and machine guns, but it also copes well with grenade fragments in explosions. The great abundance of bullet proof waistcoats can make it very difficult […]

Spoon carving tools

Spoons are utensils we all use on a daily basis. Even in Asian cultures, where people use quite different types of cutlery compared to us, you will find spoons. They are held differently than our spoons, and have a bit different shape but are, after all – spoons. In the present, we usually think about […]

Gnocchi and 2 sauces

Gnocchi is comfort food in it’s full glory, and honestly, in times like these, I think we need all the comfort we can get. Now I know that because of the Covid lockdown flour is in short supply (out of everything, whodda thought flour would the hardest thing to come by?) and you can easily […]

The Digger Birthday Cake

When I say Digger Birthday Cake I’m sure anyone with a toddler or a Pinterest account knows what I’m talking about. But for those without either, the digger birthday cake is simply… a birthday cake with diggers on it. Easy. Kids love it cause lets face it anything cake shaped with toys is amazing in […]

The Beginners Guide to Hogmanay

Hogmanay, or New Year’s Eve if you’re south of the border, is a BIG deal for us Scots. Some even proclaim it’s a bigger deal than Christmas (it’s something to do with the reformation and Christmas being a bit too, ya know, Catholic). Whether you agree or not, we Scots get an extra bank holiday […]